For those who want to read it....hear it is:
Sister Abigail McNeill
Ohio Cleveland Mission
Just east of the temple mount on the base of the Mount of Olives lies a Garden. It is a simple Garden…the place of the olive press. It’s a beautiful garden, where one can find peace and serenity and a quiet place to think. It is a place called Gethsemane, and it is the place where the Savior did for me, and for you, and all mankind what we cannot do for ourselves, He atoned.
The definition for Gethsemane is “oil, or wine press”, and in knowing that, we understand how significant the symbolism is. In ancient Israel the olive tree was an important commodity, it became a symbol for Israel spiritually, scripturally and culturally. The olive is an important part of their economy. When a new tree is planted it needs great care to begin to grow. Once a new olive tree is finally established it is then considered almost immortal because it can last for such a long time. A considered dead olive root can quickly bring forth a new tree springing from the Earth in new life.
When the olive is harvested it is taken to an olive press. During the Saviors life, and can still be found on “display” in the city, an olive press was a great wheel like stone turned in a circle to get the juices. However, these stones were so heavy to push, and so hard to crush the olives that sometimes a large animal would have to turn the wheel in order to get the wheel to go. The olive was important to Israel in their everyday living, it was used as medicine and as the fuel for their light. It was used for sacred rituals in the temple, and because of its purity and symbolic reference it is still used in the church today. (blessings)
Now, think of the Savior suffering in Gethsemane…in the place of the olive press. The Savior was subject to such great pressure that He sweats great drops of blood, and it is by this “oil” that we are healed. The Savior is a never ending source of light; He is the ultimate “healer”. Symbolically we take of this fruit every week when we partake of the Sacrament. It is impossible to imagine what the Savior must have felt as the Father withdrew His presence from Him. The Savior, a perfect person, living His entire life in the presence of the Father, was now removed from Him. In Alma 45:16 the Lord says that He cannot look at the sin with the least degree of allowance, and now His own Son, was pressed into all the sins of the world.
Robert Millet wrote: “There was a tragic aura surrounding this night of nights, when he who had always pleased the Father and had thus never been alone (so far as being separated spiritually from his Father was concerned) was subjected to the forces and effects of sin that he had never known, forces that must have been poignantly excruciatingly intense…[He] knew all things…and yet there was something he had never known personally: he had known neither sin nor its effects…This was a night of irony. He who was sinless became, as it were, the great sinner…He who deserved least of all to suffer, now suffered most—more than mortal mind can fathom. He who had brought life…was subjected to the powers of death and darkness.” (1)
“The Atonement is the most basic and fundamental principle of the gospel—yet it is the least understood.” –Bruce R McConkie (2) Why? So many of us have a testimony of Christ, we know He is God’s Son. That He helped create the world, and we know that He suffered in a garden. But, do we understand when He says He suffered ALL things. There are stages to believing Christ that I learned long ago, they go like this.
Believe of Christ: We have heard of Him, and we know that we have family members that believe but we aren’t ready, or maybe we are just not willing to take the next step.
Believe in Christ: When we believe in Christ we believe that the scriptures are true, that going to church is a good thing…etc
Believe Christ: When we take out the middle word and we actually believe Christ…we believe that what He says, either through His messengers’ or directly to us, is the truth. He knows ALL! He will make NO mistakes in guiding us, therefore we will not fail. When we believe Christ, we believe when He says, “Yes even that, even that sin is covered through my atonement if you will but repent.”
Read Romans 3:23
Though I have never committed any kind of horrendous sin. I was never a heathen child…the atonement still works for me. Remember it applies to the smallest and the largest. In my life, applying the atonement has been the greatest preparation for serving a mission. How? I’ll tell you…
1. The Atonement has taught me how to pray. Throughout His ministry we can read in the bible the countless times that the Savior always pointed the glory back to His Father. He talks of how He can only do the things that His Father sent Him to do, or how He glorifies the Father after the miracle. And, even then, in that simple garden, when He performed the greatest event in all of mankind, He prayed to the Father. During that prayer He cried to the Father that the “cup might be removed from Him.” (Matt 26:39) and Heavenly Father said ,”No” and it was the good answer…the right answer. In my life applying the principle of prayer in all that I do, in asking for help and in thanking Him for my blessings the atonement has taught me that the Lord does know…everything and He will always give me the right answer.
2. The Atonement has taught me true self-esteem, true joy. You and I were purchased with a price, and the knowledge and understanding that someone loves me enough to die for me is to have an understanding of your true eternal worth. Russell M. Nelson said, “In order to experience true joy…at any time, at least three factors are needed. You need to feel good about the people with whom you live and work—your companions in life. You must feel good about yourself—not in any sense of conceit, but simply a proper esteem for yourself, well deserved. And possibly most important, you must feel good about your relation to God and sincerely love Him.” (3) When we can understand how much God loves us our own self-love and self-esteem fades into insignificance. The world’s yardstick will always measure things woefully short. But when you use the Lord’s yardstick, you learn that your worth is great, your purposes for being here are of incalculable importance, and your opportunities for eternal accomplishments are unlimited. (4)
3. The Atonement has taught me how to serve. Jesus Christ lived His entire life in the service of others…for you and for me. He ended His life that way, ultimately serving everyone by allowing us to one day return to His presence as well as our Father in Heavens and live with them and our families forever in a glory that we do not now understand.
4. The Atonement has taught me how to trust. It has taught me how to face the storms, to know that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. To trust that life is not supposed to be safe. It’s only in our mistakes, our errors and our faults that we grow and truly live. (5) I trust that the Savior, through the power of the atonement, can indeed fix the unfixable.
5. The Atonement has taught me how to love. The Savior loves ultimately, and unconditionally. There are never any preconceived notions. He never holds a grudge, and He always comes when you need someone to talk too. He paid the ultimate price for me, because He loves me…and it is with that love that I can build others, I can teach others, I can pray to see them the way the Savior sees them.
6. The Atonement has taught me how to be a friend. Just as the Savior was suffering in Gethsemane because He was separated from God, His greatest friend. I know that God was suffering also, because the greatest being to ever exist, our Heavenly Father, not only makes time for us…but He yearns for us! How great a blessing that is! And, in yearning for someone, you always make time for them. The way a perfect friend would. A phrase to the song “O, Holy Night” says, “In all our trials-born to be a friend. He knows my name, to Him I am no stranger.” Oh how beautiful! (Zane Grey)
7. The Atonement has taught me how to not be afraid. In a meeting with the Bishop I expressed to Him my deepest fear in serving a mission. Our wonderful bishop, after giving me his words of advice said, “After that, turn it to the Savior, because He knows…He’s felt it before.” Read Alma 7:11-12 He did that that He might know EXACTLY how I feel in my circumstances. (while bearing the weight of everything else) When walking out of the light and into the unknown, or that small moment of darkness, one of two things will happen. Either you will be given solid ground to run on, or you will be taught how to fly. Knowing that, there is no need to fear.
8. The Atonement has taught me that through my obedience I’m never alone. He is always there, and He always understands! Through my obedience to the laws of the gospel His presence never will depart from me. 2 Ne. 9:20-21
9. The Atonement has taught me how to work. Jesus Christ life was never easy. Isa. 53:3-5. The Savior was always busy doing the Father’s business. He was never idol. Even to the end of His days. The atonement was hard work. And repentance is hard work. Through the process of applying the atonement Jesus Christ gave us the opportunity to repent, to be better, to succeed! A Harvard theologian Peter Comes said this about success in spite of weakness: “Put your confidence in something that works. It is God who will keep you when all else has failed you; and it is to God to whom you will turn when you have exhausted all of the alternatives. It is God on whom you will call when you get that fateful diagnosis; it is God on whom you will call when the bottom drops out; and it is God on whom you will call when you pass through those seasons of doubt and despair, when life itself seems not worth the living and you cannot remember the last victory; and it is God on whom you will call with you very last breath.” (6)
10. The Atonement has taught me how to smile. It is because of the atoning blood of Christ, because of the hanging on a cross at Calvary, and because of being laid in a garden tomb, where He then did, in reality, take up His life again that I, too, can be resurrected. I can have an eternal family…I can be with my friends again, and I can be with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again, and knowing this, without a shadow of a doubt….I cannot help but smile. A smile of joy and a smile of gratitude, because I am forever grateful for that blessing.
All of these things, and more, to pray, to find joy, to serve, to trust, to love, to be a friend, to not fear, to never be alone through obedience., to work, and to smile. All of these qualities will help me to be a better missionary. I learned these things from the atonement, and I know that without the Atonement I will truly fail in the Lord’s work. I cannot convert people, nor can I change their lives. I cannot forgive them for their sins, and I cannot get them back into the presence of our Father in Heaven. But, Jesus Christ can, through the Atonement. That is the message I will share. That yes, even that, is covered by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through the everlasting atonement for our sins, and our pains, and our afflictions. When all is said and done, the value of my life as a missionary will not be determined by my accomplishments, but by what my Heavenly Father has been able to accomplish through me. (7)
1. Millet, Life in Christ 66,69
2. Bruce R. McConkie The Purifying Power of Gethsemane Ensign, May 1985
3. Nelson, Joy cometh in the Morning,” 67
4. Anderson, Your Divine Purpose, 66
5. Beck The Christmas Sweater, 247
6. Gomes, Strength for the Journey 302
7. Anderson, Your Divine Purpose, 1
I love you all!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Goodbye Fans!
Well, tomorrow is the day! I can't believe how quickly it happened but it happened! I'm going on a mission and I'm so excited. My mom is going to post my e-mails on her blog and mine every week so keep reading to find the good news....for those who are interested my address is...
Sister Abigail McNeill
The Ohio Cleveland Mission
2070 W. 117th Street
Cleveland, OH
I love you all and ask for your thoughts and prayers!!!
Sister Abigail McNeill
The Ohio Cleveland Mission
2070 W. 117th Street
Cleveland, OH
I love you all and ask for your thoughts and prayers!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
writing my talk
Okay, so as I've said before I'm speaking in church this know for my mission...well, I'm having the HARDEST time writing this talk. I don't know why. I keep using the excuse that I don't know what to say, or that I'm distracted or I can't focus where I'm currently at...all three of those are true.
I wish I was blessed with a better gift for the using of words. I'm worried my talk will be lame and all the people that have come to listen to it will be disappointed. I want to much to say something inspiring that I can't say anything at all. It's very frustrating. Mom says that it will be fine, and that my talks are always good...but there is a first time for everything.
I realize now why it was so smart for the church to do away with "farewells" because it's stressful enough just getting ready to leave on your mission, plus speaking in church, but then making a big deal out of it...I can see how that could be much worse. By the way...thanks SO SO much Aimee and Ryan for making it a point to come out! I can't wait for you to get here!
Well, that's the news of the day, is the struggle for me to write my talk. Any words of encouragement that you wish to offer would indeed be helpful. Thanks everyone!
I wish I was blessed with a better gift for the using of words. I'm worried my talk will be lame and all the people that have come to listen to it will be disappointed. I want to much to say something inspiring that I can't say anything at all. It's very frustrating. Mom says that it will be fine, and that my talks are always good...but there is a first time for everything.
I realize now why it was so smart for the church to do away with "farewells" because it's stressful enough just getting ready to leave on your mission, plus speaking in church, but then making a big deal out of it...I can see how that could be much worse. By the way...thanks SO SO much Aimee and Ryan for making it a point to come out! I can't wait for you to get here!
Well, that's the news of the day, is the struggle for me to write my talk. Any words of encouragement that you wish to offer would indeed be helpful. Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mom has a blog!
No more just looking at everyone else....she has her own!!! Well, it's going to be the families blog, and whoever wants to update on it can..but I thought all would be interested to know.
About the updates
Okay my loving and adoring fans...i apologize for not updating more often, I know how much that upsets you so please except this heart felt apology.
I'm on the eight day countdown!! I can't even believe it. It's come SO fast. It's been interesting to watch all of the little miracles that have happened along the way. It's crazy. People have been asking how I've been feeling and the only words I have to describe it are...numb. It's weird. You're just so busy that you don't have time to do anything except go through the motions and when you finally get the chance to slow down all the emotions come smashing into you all at the same time, it's weird. I used to think that 7 weeks was never going to be enough time, then I realized, once again, how much the Lord knows me because I'm at the point that I just want to There is no way I could have waited three months like some of these missionaries do. Kudos to them...but I know that the Lord knows each one of us and the callings and places and assignments that would be best for us as individuals. It's so GREAT!
For those who haven't heard I'm speaking in church this Sunday (the 28th). It's at 10:50am. Call me if you have any questions. Also, about getting my weekly letters, for those that are interested. My mom is going to post them here on my blog so she doesn't have to collect e-mails, rather she can just give them this blog address, or, she is going to start a blog and put them there, we are undecided which yet, but we will do something.
I'm happy to say that I've caught the Christmas spirit. I'm not as into it as I have been in the years past, but I've definitely felt a little bit happier to celebrate in the traditional ways. I just had to step back and decide what was most important and focus on that.
Okay, I got to go...I love you all. I'll try and keep you posted as the next eight days fly by. Oh, I've been thinking back on the last 18 months of my life and I realized that what I did 18 months ago feels like yesterday, and this 7 weeks has gone by so quickly...I can't even imagine how fast my mission is going to go!!! Loves!
I'm on the eight day countdown!! I can't even believe it. It's come SO fast. It's been interesting to watch all of the little miracles that have happened along the way. It's crazy. People have been asking how I've been feeling and the only words I have to describe it are...numb. It's weird. You're just so busy that you don't have time to do anything except go through the motions and when you finally get the chance to slow down all the emotions come smashing into you all at the same time, it's weird. I used to think that 7 weeks was never going to be enough time, then I realized, once again, how much the Lord knows me because I'm at the point that I just want to There is no way I could have waited three months like some of these missionaries do. Kudos to them...but I know that the Lord knows each one of us and the callings and places and assignments that would be best for us as individuals. It's so GREAT!
For those who haven't heard I'm speaking in church this Sunday (the 28th). It's at 10:50am. Call me if you have any questions. Also, about getting my weekly letters, for those that are interested. My mom is going to post them here on my blog so she doesn't have to collect e-mails, rather she can just give them this blog address, or, she is going to start a blog and put them there, we are undecided which yet, but we will do something.
I'm happy to say that I've caught the Christmas spirit. I'm not as into it as I have been in the years past, but I've definitely felt a little bit happier to celebrate in the traditional ways. I just had to step back and decide what was most important and focus on that.
Okay, I got to go...I love you all. I'll try and keep you posted as the next eight days fly by. Oh, I've been thinking back on the last 18 months of my life and I realized that what I did 18 months ago feels like yesterday, and this 7 weeks has gone by so quickly...I can't even imagine how fast my mission is going to go!!! Loves!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas with the Crank

I don't know what it is this year...but I am just not in the Christmas spirit. And, it seems, that no matter how hard I try I just can't find it in myself. I've tried shopping, decorating, giving, serving, and am just not having any luck. In fact, yesterday I was about ready to cancel Christmas. Our family doesn't even have our decorations up yet and if it wasn't for everybody coming at the end of the month for me we probably wouldn't even put them up. (at least that would be my opinion.) I also went shopping and finally told my siblings that we either needed to draw names or I was canceling Christmas because I'm not in the mood to pick out a present for all of them. I guess I've been pretty ornery lately because I wasn't in the mood for Halloween, or Thanksgiving, and now Christmas. I really am the Grinch this year. I just don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm tired of being "alone" for the holidays and having nobody special invite me to ride the carriage in Salt Lake, or see the lights...or dress up to match me or invite me to meet there family at Thanksgiving. Maybe it's because I don't feel like we need holidays to remind us of the things we should be doing everyday. Maybe it's because I want to know I have a special present waiting under the tree for me...only to find that it's not there, not that I even know what I would want it to be. Perhaps, it's because, no matter how much I do for other people I feel like there is more to be done, or that those asking for help appear to be doing nothing for themselves.
Regardless of the reason, I have yet to find the Holiday spirit since last Christmas. All the holidays between then and now have been pretty bland for me. I try to get way into them, and that doesn't help. I try to step away from them, and that doesn't help. What's a girl to do!!!?? I am thankful for all my blessings and for the Saviors birth, death, and resurrection. But I haven't caught the holiday bug...perhaps it was that flu shot I got. Nobody said that would be one of it's side effects.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Well, the rest of my California adventure turned out to be a great success. We went back to Disneyland and I fell in love all over again. I can't believe how well they do at bringing out the kid in everyone who walks through their gates. I truly and 100% enjoyed my time very well spent there.
I hope that everyone's holiday was as great as mine was. As I thought of Thanksgiving this year I tried counting my blessings...but I realized that I have to many to count. The Lord truly has spoiled me rotten in my life and I am forever thankful for that. As I went to bed that night I layed down quietly and thought to myself how I truly can say "it's a wonderful life" because it is. I have the best life! I love being alive and having "my turn on Earth" as Aunt Lani put it. In the end...all of our "stuff" can be taken from us. All the we posses and the material things that we hold dear...and after that all you have left is your story. And, that's what I'm trying to just live a good one. A good one of laughs, of testimony, of strength and knowledge, but mostly a life that will Glorify my Heavenly Father in all that I do. I love Him, and He has blessed me so much in my life that I want nothing less then for all the credit to go to Him.
I also had the amazing chance to go to the Redlands Temple while I was there. I love the temple. I'm so grateful for the gift of eternal families and being with the ones that we love forever...clothed in a miraculous glory. It's fabulous!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I "heart" Disneyland
"Heart" implies love...because the truth is is that I have discovered a new found love for the inner child within. Disneyland really is the happiest place on Earth and I loved it! I didn't get the best pictures in the world because when I got there my camera battery was dying so it was having a hard time focusing...and sometimes my camera does weird things at night...but I did get some and today I will get MANY more. I love being a young single girl..because I loved watching the parades and having all the boys flirt with was the bomb...and they really did, you know by winking, shaking their bums at us and just looking at us smiling and I just love it. I love being the age I's marvelous!
When I was coming to California I wasn't sure that I would enjoy the theme parks as much as I have. Mostly because I'm not really into "theme" parks per say anymore...I more into walking around, and looking at museums and finding people to watch and going to plays...I guess I'm getting old and boring. But Disneyland is all of those things wrapped up into one! It'was totally and completely FABULOUS! So here are the few pictures from yesterday...we are going again today and I will take a lot more and post them tomorrow. Love You All! ps. I've also added a few pics from Vegas.
When I was coming to California I wasn't sure that I would enjoy the theme parks as much as I have. Mostly because I'm not really into "theme" parks per say anymore...I more into walking around, and looking at museums and finding people to watch and going to plays...I guess I'm getting old and boring. But Disneyland is all of those things wrapped up into one! It'was totally and completely FABULOUS! So here are the few pictures from yesterday...we are going again today and I will take a lot more and post them tomorrow. Love You All! ps. I've also added a few pics from Vegas.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Vegas Baby
I'm spending the next week in California with one of my girlfriends from school. Well, we decided that it was much cheaper to drive then fly so we called it our first ever college road trip. She met me at my house Friday night...after driving from Rexburg...and then we took off early Saturday morning to begin the 10 and a half hour trek to Riverside California. It was a really fun drive actually and it was good to have two drivers. We only stopped for gas...the rule was that if you had to pee you just had to hold it because we weren't stopping. Well, we only had to stop Vegas so we held it for a very long time. In Vegas we had the sweet opportunity to meet up with my cousins Steve and Emily and just make a quick stop to have lunch, some gellato, and a short walk through the Belagio. It was so fun...I love those guys, and I'm so grateful that we stopped and visited for 3 hours because Emily made a point during our visit that they are spending Christmas in Orgen with her family and so won't be able to spend it in Grantsville with my family for my farewell and stuff so I won't see them until after my mission...tear tear. So thanks Em and Steve for the bite to eat, and the quick visit. I love you guys!
We got to California late Saturday night, ate a small dinner and hit the sack. At least I did, I was SO tired! Sunday was so cool. That is definitly one of my most favorite parts of the church is that no matter where you go you can find a ward and the Spirit is still the same and ########## always remains constant. It is the only constant in my young life right now and I'm so grateful for my membership therein and my testimony.
During sacrament meeting man had a diabetes attack and we had to stop for 10 or 15 minutes to help him. It was so cool to see the church rally together, even in their simple silent prayers, to help this man. I love ##########! It's the best thing in this entire world!
We got to California late Saturday night, ate a small dinner and hit the sack. At least I did, I was SO tired! Sunday was so cool. That is definitly one of my most favorite parts of the church is that no matter where you go you can find a ward and the Spirit is still the same and ########## always remains constant. It is the only constant in my young life right now and I'm so grateful for my membership therein and my testimony.
During sacrament meeting man had a diabetes attack and we had to stop for 10 or 15 minutes to help him. It was so cool to see the church rally together, even in their simple silent prayers, to help this man. I love ##########! It's the best thing in this entire world!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tagged by Lacey
I've been seeing all these tag things going around and I thought it would be fun to do one. But, I don't have very many friends that have blogs yet so I've anxiously been waiting my turn. Thanks Lace!
Two Names You Go By: 1. Abi 2. Brigal
Two Things You are Wearing Right Now: 1. A scarf...that my mom calls an aunt jamima scarf. 2. flip November.
Two Things You Want Right Now: 1.Some Abreva 2. My nose to stop running
Two Things You Did Last Night: 1. Watched Dancing With the Stars 2. Got lost in Ogden.
Two Things You Ate Today: 1. Cereal 2. Bagel with cream cheese of course
Two Favorite Drinks: 1. Water 2. juice..all varieties
Five People I'm Tagging: 1. Whitney 2. Aimee 3. Emily 4. Courtney 5. Lara...sorry guys, you're like the only people that even read my blog. I only have 5 friends so it wasn't hard to pick.
Two Names You Go By: 1. Abi 2. Brigal
Two Things You are Wearing Right Now: 1. A scarf...that my mom calls an aunt jamima scarf. 2. flip November.
Two Things You Want Right Now: 1.Some Abreva 2. My nose to stop running
Two Things You Did Last Night: 1. Watched Dancing With the Stars 2. Got lost in Ogden.
Two Things You Ate Today: 1. Cereal 2. Bagel with cream cheese of course
Two Favorite Drinks: 1. Water 2. juice..all varieties
Five People I'm Tagging: 1. Whitney 2. Aimee 3. Emily 4. Courtney 5. Lara...sorry guys, you're like the only people that even read my blog. I only have 5 friends so it wasn't hard to pick.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Going through the Temple
Okay my fellow bloggers. I'm going through the temple this Saturday, Novermber 15th at 4pm. I'm going through the Salt Lake Temple. Be there by 3:30. I'm inviting all who can to come because I would love nothing better than to be surrounded by my family and friends during this special occasion. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week as I prepare.
I have wanted this for so long. I CANNOT wait! It seems as though it's been a long time coming. However, these few weeks that I have to prepare for my mission are going to go by so quickly. It's already almost been a week and I can't even believe it. How am i ever going to get this all done? I'm not sure. I ask myself that question every day! Well, gotta fly! More later. Lots of love coming your way!
I have wanted this for so long. I CANNOT wait! It seems as though it's been a long time coming. However, these few weeks that I have to prepare for my mission are going to go by so quickly. It's already almost been a week and I can't even believe it. How am i ever going to get this all done? I'm not sure. I ask myself that question every day! Well, gotta fly! More later. Lots of love coming your way!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Mission Call
Cleveland Ohio. Yes, that is where I will be spending a year and a half of my life. In the blistering cold of North Eastern America, and the humid summers of Lake Erie. I'll be speaking in church on the 28th of December. I'm going to the Salt Lake Temple Saturday November 15th. It's the 4pm session and I'm inviting all my friends and family that can make it to be there. I'm so excited to serve the Lord and dedicate my life to him for just a small moment. For those of you who haven't heard there is quite the story in the opening of my call.
When I got my call out of the mailbox, I was the only one home. I was ready to rip it open right then and there. However, I decided that I couldn't handle the upsetness of my mother after. So, I called her and told her it was here. Well, Dad and Ethan are out of town for a couple of days and Emalee was...well doing whatever Emalee does...and Winston of course is down at school. So, we got permission to open it and I went up to the store where we got everyone else on speakerphone and mom and I and Emalee opened the call.
As I read the letter..."Sister McNeil you have been called to serve in the New Jersey Cherry Hills Mission Departing February 11." right on! I was so happy about this I've never been to the east coast so that will be awesome! Well, We opened my little booklet thing to see what my area was and mom says, "Abi, we have a problem" Oh dear, what could it be. Well, your booklet is for Cleveland Ohio! As you have probably guess we were in quite the predicament. We had to call church headquarters, figure out what the deal was. Well, after a while I discovered that the letter was addressed to a Sister Madeline McNeil. I just didn't notice at first because I was so excited to read the call. well, Yes, my call is to Cleveland Ohio where I will happily serve the Lord for 18 months. And my departure date it much earlier so that makes me happy.
When I got my call out of the mailbox, I was the only one home. I was ready to rip it open right then and there. However, I decided that I couldn't handle the upsetness of my mother after. So, I called her and told her it was here. Well, Dad and Ethan are out of town for a couple of days and Emalee was...well doing whatever Emalee does...and Winston of course is down at school. So, we got permission to open it and I went up to the store where we got everyone else on speakerphone and mom and I and Emalee opened the call.
As I read the letter..."Sister McNeil you have been called to serve in the New Jersey Cherry Hills Mission Departing February 11." right on! I was so happy about this I've never been to the east coast so that will be awesome! Well, We opened my little booklet thing to see what my area was and mom says, "Abi, we have a problem" Oh dear, what could it be. Well, your booklet is for Cleveland Ohio! As you have probably guess we were in quite the predicament. We had to call church headquarters, figure out what the deal was. Well, after a while I discovered that the letter was addressed to a Sister Madeline McNeil. I just didn't notice at first because I was so excited to read the call. well, Yes, my call is to Cleveland Ohio where I will happily serve the Lord for 18 months. And my departure date it much earlier so that makes me happy.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Missionary Papers, Dancing with the Stars, the 1920's, and HSM3

I am probably the most anti-halloween person that has ever walked this earth. I'm so anti-halloween that it doesn't even deserve a capital when typing it into my blog. I despise it. Well, I was invited to a halloween murder mystery party last weekend. It was supposed to be set in the 1920's at a bar and you were to stay in character the entire time. Now, I like acting, but I went where there was a place of total strangers that I didn't know, and it's hard to act off of people you don't know. Plus, my date is now interested in another girl so i don't even think he wanted to be there with me, and it was SO long. Well, I had to go because we had been invited like a month ago. But I would like to say that it hasn't changed my feelings about halloween at all. In fact, it confirmed the number one reason that I hate it. halloween just gives girls and excuse to dress skanky. Like for instance, this one girl even still had her garments on with her mini skirt. It was a long and boring party, and I'm so glad it's over. ps. that is the very costume I wore, just with a little modifications. sorry, I don't have a picture of me in it.

On a happier note, Saturday was much better. Okay, I'm going to be honest...first of all I'm a BIG fan of musicals. I enjoy watching them, being in them, and listening to their soundtracks. Perhaps that is because my life is a musical, or I just wish it to be. Non-the-less I am partially obsessed with them. Also, I'm 100% convinced when I watch them that you will see me on the big screen one day basking in the full glory of my fifteen minutes of fame. Basically, for me, they do exactly what they should...they take me away from the world I'm living in now, and totally engulf me into their world. It's absolutely fabulous and it is for those reasons that I had been anticipating the release of Disney's High School Musical three this weekend, and for those reasons also why I most definitely enjoyed every minute of it. For those of you that for just a moment would like to get lost in another world, and remember again the wo's and o's of graduating from high school I would highly recommend it.

Sunday only brings more good news as my Stake President changed my final interview to that afternoon. I did my last interview and my papers are now to church headquarters. It will now be two or three weeks and I'll have my call! Also, it was my last class for Temple Prep so as soon as the call comes I'll be ready as ever to go through. (to the Rogers clan: I'll let you know what the plans are but I would love for you all to come through with me. Especially Aunt Lan and Uncle Dave. Hopefully you can come down, will have to scheduele and see.) All I've wanted to do for the past year and a half is go through the temple and I'm so excited for the chance I will finally have to do that. I'm so grateful for the people in my life who have influenced me for good and encouraged me all along to live my life in such a way to always be able to worthily enter the house of the Lord.

Tonight will be awesome also. Dancing with the Stars is on again. It's on at 7 on ABC. Please join me in watching it. and call and vote for Cody and Julianne!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Goodbye to Toni and Alec
I'm pleased to say that Cody and Julianne have made it through another round. Yahoo! and, one of my least favorites was kicked off! Yippy! Nothing new and exciting other than that for today. OH, Missionary Update: My papers are to the Stake President. I have an interview on Thursday October 30th. So, I'm predicting a call around Thanksgiving. Maybe I will get to go through the temple on my actual birthday. (dec 11) That would be awesome huh? Well, I'll let everyone know more as more happens!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dancing with the Stars
Another Trip
Yes,I'm definitly a cowgirl. I got to spend the weekend with dad and Ethan riding. It was so fun. I cherish every moment I get to spend with them. It is so special. We went down by Castle Dale (southern Utah) and rode. It was beautiful. You cannot see the things we saw without being on horseback or hiking. It was wonderful. It's weekends like this and seeing the things we saw that make me think we had a say in the creation. Love you all!
Another weekend horse riding.
It seems I'm turning more into a cowgirl then ever. Our family friend from Hawaii was in town for a conference for school and she was able to spend a day with us. It was so good to see her and just feel of her presence and goodness. Thanks Shanoa for a great ride and the chance to see you and get to know you even better! Love ya and Aloha!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What a weekend!
WOW! I don't think I could have asked for a better weekend. I loved every second of it. One of my old roommates from school came and stayed with me. It started off with us going to the high schools homecoming football game. It was a lot of fun, mostly because she's from California and loves the hole "small town" thing. Well, the game got a little boring, to say the least, so we headed out with my parents to see "American Carol" it was a pretty funny movie and I would recommend it if your in for a short lived laugh.

Saturday, of course, was perfect because it was the start of General Conference. But what made it even better is I got up early, went for a run, and then dad asked me to come help him outside for a little bit. So, I got to spend some time with him and just talking to him. I cherish every moment I get to spend one on one with him, with each of my family members in fact. They are so precious to me and I cherish every one of those memories. Plus, the calm of a gentle rainstorm and a slight chill outside made a peaceful atmosphere for watching conference.


There were many things about conference that I liked, like many of you it was exactly what I needed to hear in this time of my life. I loved the laughter and council that we were given by many. Mostly, I'm grateful for the reminders from Elder Wirthlin and President Monson to laugh and to be grateful and to live in today, no matter how hard it is. There isn't a heartache out there that a little laughter can't help and the atonement can't cure. All shared beautiful messages and all filled my spirit with a great calm. After the sessions on Saturday my friend and I carved pumpkins and then we went and had a girls game night with our neighbors as the boys were at the priesthood session.
When Sunday came my entire family was happy to relax together and enjoy the words of our prophet. We love him so dearly. After the session my friend wanted to go on a horse ride so Ethan willingly took us on a simple Sunday cruise. It was fun and certainly enjoyable for the rookie. We had the neighbors over for dinner and sang Happy Birthday to Caitlin (My friend) because she turned 20 on Saturday. Thanks Caitlin for a great weekend and all the great memories.

In other short and quick news, I have turned in my mission papers and actually have an interview with the bishop tonight. I can't believe this is really happening. I've dreamed of it for most of my life and I'm so excited to go out there and share the joy that I feel, the knowledge of the restored gospel, and the blessing of a prophet on the earth today, with others. I'll keep you all updated as more things happen. Please pray for me as you can. I would appreciate all of them as I embark on this most wonderful, and most anticipated journey in my life!

Friday, September 26, 2008
What's in a Name?

I've been thinking a lot about those infamous words written by Shakespeare and spoken by Juliet. What is in a name? What is it about our identities that makes us so special. Well, I've been testing this theory out. As I've gone to grocery stores, outlet malls, and restaurants all over I've been thinking about these words. "What's in a Name?"

It is such a joy to watch the expression on the face of these people change. They always at least give you half a smile but many times their face goes to a full blown glow. People love to hear their names, because it was their identity given them at birth and in using that identity you automatically give that person your respect. and everyone wants to be respected. We talk and teach all the time about not disgracing our family names but why then is is so difficult for us to refer to a person in their name, showing respect for that name that was given them.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Proud to be an American

I was driving through town yesterday when I passed the Macey's grocery store. In their parking lot they have a giant american flag that waves proudly over the town of Tooele. And, at the Miller Motor Sports Park, which is placed almost in the direct center of the valley there is an even bigger flag that waves proudly welcoming all who come from any direction. As I watched Old Glory proudly wave in all her beauty and splendor I began to think of all the reasons that I am PROUD to be an American.
I'm PROUD of this country, though in economic crisis it would seem because we know we will pull out of it, we will learn from this and be better because of it, just like other times in our history.
I'm PROUD of a Heavenly inspired government where we live in a place of so many great freedoms.
I'm PROUD to have my religious freedoms. To live in a country where I can share my testimony openly and willing with all that I come in contact with. I'm so grateful that I can worship my Heavenly Father in the best ways that I see fit and that I can believe because of my own free will, independent of any other person, not because someone is forcing me too, or because that is my only option.
I'm PROUD of our military who volunteer their time and their efforts to defending me and standing up for me.
I'm PROUD of its people who live with their heads held high because they know they live in a the greatest country of them all. I'm grateful that we can dream, and we can dream anything, because it is a reality that it can come to you and happen. In America if you dream it, you can believe it, and you can have it.
I'm PROUD of a country who knows how to work. Of people who work for things they have rather than just sitting around and waiting for the government to take care of them.
I'm PROUD to be an American for a countless number of reasons, I could go on and on. But mostly I would hope that others to are PROUD and that they would look around and realize how great we do have it, and that they would stand up and fight and defend and live for all those great freedoms that each and everyone of us can call ours. As OLD GLORY flies so proudly above our little valley I'm grateful to see her flying. To know that she bows to nobody, and it is in the time of crisis that we need to remember what we are, and who we are. We are Americans, citizens of the best country in the world, and now, in a time that she most desperetly needs it, we must stand by her side and be PROUD of all the things she stands for and defend them. Be so very PROUD to be an American. I know that I am.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The begining of a change
These are the beginings of my Jerusalem Trip pictures. This is not all of them, and there are many more to come. These cover the "getting there" until our "Geography field trip" which is only about three days in time. Doesn't that make you excited to see more? Just drag your mouse over the picture and a description will pop up as to what you are seeing.
Spending hours on Blog
Have you ever noticed how much time you can spend on your blog!? Holy Smokes! I just realized how quickly time can go as you just sit here and "work" away making your blog the cutest. Aunt Lan said I need to update more, and she's right. I just think my life is boring I guess, why would anyone want to hear about it? Then I got thinking of my cousins and how excited I get to read their blogs, and that no matter how boring it may seem to them, it's exciting to me, because it's their life and it's something new I can learn about them, and a way to strengthen my love for them. Plus, reading their blogs takes me out of my boring hum drum life for just a moment and gives me something to look forward to. So, yes Aunt Lan, my new goal is to start updating for you all more often. I'm secretly going to try once a day, but I'm not going to tell anyone that because I don't want anyone to be disappointed, but I am going to give it a try.
Well, the news of the day is this. I've decided to serve a mission. Those who haven't heard yet. I have begun feeling my papers out and it is proving to be a trying process. I say that because if I don't keep extremely busy in my life then before I know it Satan has laid hold upon my thoughts and feelings and makes me feel terrible, so I try to keep busy to keep the devil out. That's the plan. As more progresses I'll let you know. Ethan and I are doing are stuff together. The plan is that whoever gets their call first has to tape it on the fridge and wait until the other ones come so we can open them together. Not only are we going to open them together, we want to read eachothers. It's going to be really exciting. It's really great to have the opportunity to do this side by side with my marvelous younger brother.
Well, the news of the day is this. I've decided to serve a mission. Those who haven't heard yet. I have begun feeling my papers out and it is proving to be a trying process. I say that because if I don't keep extremely busy in my life then before I know it Satan has laid hold upon my thoughts and feelings and makes me feel terrible, so I try to keep busy to keep the devil out. That's the plan. As more progresses I'll let you know. Ethan and I are doing are stuff together. The plan is that whoever gets their call first has to tape it on the fridge and wait until the other ones come so we can open them together. Not only are we going to open them together, we want to read eachothers. It's going to be really exciting. It's really great to have the opportunity to do this side by side with my marvelous younger brother.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Home sweet Home
Hello friends and family! I'm happy to say that i have made a safe arrival back to the United States and am safely home in Grantsville. It was a hard departure from Jerusalem. A part of my heart will forever and always be there. I love that place, and I love that country. However, it is always good to return home and to realize how good you really have it. It was a long trip home, I traveled 8,000 miles, was in traveling for 36 ours and I was up for 48 hours straight...with a snooze here and there, but you can hardly count sleeping on the airplane for a little bit here and there as sleep, at least I don't. I'm still suffereing from jet lag. Thursday night I laid down at midnight and didn't really "sleep" much the entire night, I woke up at 6 to go walking with mom and then was up all day until 9:30 that night, man was I tired. I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I still am way exhausted and I have a good feeling that today might be worse than yesterday seeing as how i already feel this morning. But, will see. I'm trying to tough it out as much as possible so that I can get on the right scheduele ASAP. I was excited to see all the little neighbor kids that I love so much, that was a happy reunion. I don't think it's really hit me yet that I'm home. Someone told me that Sunday will be the hardest, when I get to church and realize I can't look over the old city. Maybe I'm just to tired right now to even realize. Well, I'm starting to ramble. Just know that I'm happy and doing well. I'm not going to school in the fall because I have some big decisions I need to make. (more updates on those later) I would appreciate all the prayers I could get! love you all!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Okay, so Galilee was probably the most fabulous experience of my life thus far, unfortunelty I don't have a lot of time right now because I'm trying to catch up on homework, laundry, clean checks etc etc, so I will update with plenty of pictures and such on Saturday(which is my Sunday) because I still need to organize pictures and everything. I can't believe how time has flown by. One week and I'll be home! AHH!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Until Tomorrow
Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, for Near Eastern Studies.

Well, I plan on updating a lot more tomorrow on all the rest of the stuff that has been going on. Also, in the near future I plan on going around and just taking pictures of the center so you can know a little bit about where I live, but for now, here is a little bit of a teaser.
Well, I plan on updating a lot more tomorrow on all the rest of the stuff that has been going on. Also, in the near future I plan on going around and just taking pictures of the center so you can know a little bit about where I live, but for now, here is a little bit of a teaser.
Hezekiah's tunnel
How wet we all got

Inside the tunnel

Getting ready to go inside the tunnel

The view that David would have had from his palace

Okay, so in the bible, when Hezekiah was king he built a underground water system so that when the Asyrians came to lay seige upon the city of Jerusalem so in the wisdom of Hezekiah he built an underground tunnel so that the people could get water but the enemy could not. The tunnel ends in the Pool of Siloam, which is the same pool that the Savior told the blind man to go wash his face in to see again. It was such a neat place to be and neat stories to here. The steps leading to the pool, from the temple, are long short, long short. They were built that way to cause a person to think as they walked up to the temple. Think about that as the blind man walked down those stairs slowly, knowing he would be healed when he got to the bottom. We also got to stand where the old temple of David would be, seeing how it would have been so easy for him to commit the sins with Bathsheba that he did....kit's very interesting.
Inside the tunnel
Getting ready to go inside the tunnel
The view that David would have had from his palace
Okay, so in the bible, when Hezekiah was king he built a underground water system so that when the Asyrians came to lay seige upon the city of Jerusalem so in the wisdom of Hezekiah he built an underground tunnel so that the people could get water but the enemy could not. The tunnel ends in the Pool of Siloam, which is the same pool that the Savior told the blind man to go wash his face in to see again. It was such a neat place to be and neat stories to here. The steps leading to the pool, from the temple, are long short, long short. They were built that way to cause a person to think as they walked up to the temple. Think about that as the blind man walked down those stairs slowly, knowing he would be healed when he got to the bottom. We also got to stand where the old temple of David would be, seeing how it would have been so easy for him to commit the sins with Bathsheba that he did....kit's very interesting.
Deep within a gardens walls
The special gate that they let the mormon's into.

Olive Tree's in the Garden

Wow, so I actually got to go to the Garden of Gethsemene for the first time. It was incredibly awesome! I loved being there. What is really good is they have a part of the garden especially sectioned off for "the mormons" If you tell them who you are you can sit in there by yourself (they have to unlock it for you) and there are no disturbances, it's incredible. I loved every second of it and I pray that I will soon get to return.I know that Jesus Christ truly did what he ways he did. He suffered for the sins and pains and agonies of all mankind, nad for that I'm truly grateful! I will forever be in his debt.
Olive Tree's in the Garden
Wow, so I actually got to go to the Garden of Gethsemene for the first time. It was incredibly awesome! I loved being there. What is really good is they have a part of the garden especially sectioned off for "the mormons" If you tell them who you are you can sit in there by yourself (they have to unlock it for you) and there are no disturbances, it's incredible. I loved every second of it and I pray that I will soon get to return.I know that Jesus Christ truly did what he ways he did. He suffered for the sins and pains and agonies of all mankind, nad for that I'm truly grateful! I will forever be in his debt.
Church of the Holy Seplucler
The ramparts walk with the center behind me.

Inside the church, see what I mean about goddy.

On the way to the Church

Okay, this is the traditional spot, founded by Helena Constantines mother, where Jesus was laid to rest and then resurrected, it is owned by the christians and is very goddy and ornate. ps sorry it has been so long since I blogged. I'm going to try to update you now as fast as possible. Also, there is a thing called the ramparts walk and you can walk around the top of the old city wall, it's awesome!
Inside the church, see what I mean about goddy.
On the way to the Church
Okay, this is the traditional spot, founded by Helena Constantines mother, where Jesus was laid to rest and then resurrected, it is owned by the christians and is very goddy and ornate. ps sorry it has been so long since I blogged. I'm going to try to update you now as fast as possible. Also, there is a thing called the ramparts walk and you can walk around the top of the old city wall, it's awesome!
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