Friday, September 26, 2008

What's in a Name?

I've been thinking a lot about those infamous words written by Shakespeare and spoken by Juliet. What is in a name? What is it about our identities that makes us so special. Well, I've been testing this theory out. As I've gone to grocery stores, outlet malls, and restaurants all over I've been thinking about these words. "What's in a Name?" Well, I realized that at all of these various locations these people wear name tags, Well, I asked myself, why would these people wear name tags if it wasn't for the intended purpose to have you refer to them by their respected name on those tags. So, as I've asked employees questions, or said thank you to the clerk that has assisted me, or said hello to the cashier at the beginning of my purchase I quickly look at their name tag and say, Hey Janice how are you?" Or "Thanks Tim, I appreciate your help."
It is such a joy to watch the expression on the face of these people change. They always at least give you half a smile but many times their face goes to a full blown glow. People love to hear their names, because it was their identity given them at birth and in using that identity you automatically give that person your respect. and everyone wants to be respected. We talk and teach all the time about not disgracing our family names but why then is is so difficult for us to refer to a person in their name, showing respect for that name that was given them.
"A name essential is nothing. Just as Juliet says, "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Which is very true, a name is just a name without a persons face to accompany it. But, go ahead, make someones day. Say their name as you greet them or thank them. And, like at "Tai Pan" yesterday, if they are not wearing a tag, don't be afraid to ask so that when a thank you is in order, it's not opened ended but rather truly directed at a person.


Lani said...

Abi what a cool idea! I'm now teaching with a person who says Hi Lani, evertime I see her. She also says kids' name when you addresses them. She is a good example to me and I'll start to be more aware of people's name when I see them! I've never considered addressing complete strangers by their names on their tags. I always figured the names were there if you had a problem with them you could report them by name. Thanks for redirecting my thinking to a more positive reason for names on nametags!!!

Lani said...

Another interesting side note... today a church a granddaughter of our freinds sit in front of us when they come to church. She shamely flirts with David she's about 8 years old. He winks at her and she tries to wink back. Today she drew him a rainbow and addressed it: To what ever your name is. Love Jordan She shyly inched the paper up so he could see the "name". He smiled and leaned over and said "Brother Rogers". They both smiled!

Lani said...

Ok well I guess I'll comment one more time... today in conference they talked about names and how important it is to call students in your church classes by their names and how it makes you feel when someone can remember your name years later. Thanks for your blog because I've spent a lot of time thinking about names.