Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Last night in Hawaii

Well, my last night here has apporached so quickly. I've gotten really tired of saying goodbye so I'm almost to the point that I just want to come home so that I would quite haveing to say goodbye. It kind of stinks to get to that point, but that's where i am. So, for my last official free day slash night, here in Hawaii we went Kayaking. We kayaked out to china man's hat and then hiked up the top. We forgot a camera so we had to row back in and then back out and then up again so that we could take pictures of the beautiful view. The Camera doesn't even do it justice. After kayaking we went to the temple for the last time and it was really neat because we got to do family names for a Hawaiian and so I got to be baptized and confirmed for some Hawaiian sisters right at the font. It was a really special experience. Then, we came home and watched a chick flick and had chocolate cake and strawberries. It was awesome. I've loved this night and day very much. It truly was the most relaxing wonderful day! Ah! I can't believe that tomorrow is my last day!!! YIKES! ps. We also showered all together to save time after kayaking trying to get to the temple on time!

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